Job searching can be exhausting, and if you are currently out of work, there can be a huge added pressure. Here are my tips to avoid the burnout. 👇👇👇
1️⃣ Tame your negative self-talk. Just because you didn't get this role, doesn't mean you won't get the next one.
2️⃣ Take note of the wins - interviews received, new connections formed, positive feedback from recruiters etc.
3️⃣ Surround yourself with success stories - read articles and blogs of others who have succeeded. Learn from them.
4️⃣ Seek out professional support - there is a huge amount of free (and paid) support out there to make your job search easier.
5️⃣ Get yourself a cheerleader - someone who can encourage, support and keep you accountable in your job search.
6️⃣ Only job search for 2 - 3 hours per day - know your limits and don't over do it. Quality can slip when we do too much.
7️⃣ Take time out - following on from above, after your allocated job search time, go outside and do something fun!
8️⃣ Review your behaviours - if your current job search strategies aren't working, think differently. E.g. don't spend all your time on websites, chat with recruiters or network instead.
9️⃣ Connect with old colleagues - this can provide a mental boost as well as potentially create opportunities.
🔟 Be kind to yourself - back to point 1, don't be hard on yourself. The new job will happen.
If we can be of support with your job search, please reach out and connect.